Thursday, 3 October 2019

National Poetry Day: Athens Revisited

Hello dear friend,
Thank you so much for stopping by!

Today is National Poetry Day. Perhaps you too are trying your hand at a bit of rhyming. I have dabbled - no more - all my life. Recently I began penning 'snapshots' of holiday moments. I recommend it. It's fun if you keep it very simple and short.

Having just returned from a visit to friends in Athens I wanted to share one of those snapshots with you today. I would love to read some of yours as a swap.

Love and blessings
Teresa x

Edom Café at Sunset (7 pm Sat 21st September 19)
By Teresa O'Driscoll

Gentle whoosh of waves on shore
Chatter of voices, clink of glasses and ice
Lowering sun winks off watching apartment windows
Edom, Athens, am here once more!

A palm tree clacks its leaves at me
As the wind is kicking up and turning chilly
The sun is a tangerine on the mountain
Its rays a slash of gold on the sea. []

PS Don't forget to take a look at my other blog:

Also, for further inspiration check out my website: 

PPS Don't forget to check out my book: 9 Days to Heaven, How to make everlasting meaning of your life - which is a practical guide to joyful living!   You can see the book trailer by clicking on this link:

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